
Swag Camping
Depending on the region you’re travelling in, our bush camping tours stay are camping in remote regions and sleeping under the stars in a swag (a rolled Aussie mattress and cover) where there’s often very limited access to toilet and shower facilities. Refer to your trip notes to confirm if a sleeping bag is provided or if you are required to hire/bring one.

Unpowered Tents
Camping in powered tents is in shared permanent twin-share tents with wooden floors and two elevated timber platforms where you can unroll your swag. This style of accommodation has access to a screened eating area. The toilets and shower facilities are only a short walk away.

Powered Tents
Camping in powered tents is in shared permanent twin-share tents that feature cosy beds, wooden floors, full linen, lighting, power points, a bedside table and fans (in the Top End only). If you’re travelling solo, you’ll be paired with someone of the same gender. Single supplements (your own tent) is available on request only.

For tours on the East Coast and the Southern States of Australia, the hostel accommodation caters for 6 to 10-person shared dorm (mixed gender, except for Western Australia) with shared bathroom facilities. Upgrades to private twin/double or single room with shared facilities available on the Taste of Tasmania

Motel Ensuite
Where our tours pass through coastal villages or rural towns on some departures we’re able to provide twin, double or single rooms with private ensuite bathrooms. These bookings won’t be bookable on our website, so you’ll need to contact us to make a request.
Travel in purpose-built minibuses or 4WDs (both with air-con) with forward-facing seats and seat belts. Check out the Essential Trip Information of the individual tour for more information regarding which vehicle you will be travelling in.
Red Centre Fleet
- Fleet of vehicles ranging from 20-24 seats.
- All are equipped with forward-facing reclining seats with seatbelts, air conditioning and curtains.
Top End 4WD Fleet
- We use 16- or 21-seat 4WD vehicles in the Top End to access areas like Twin Falls, Jim Jim Falls and Gunlom Falls. These vehicles are purpose built to tackle the Top End!
- Equipped with forward-facing seats with seatbelts, air conditioning, curtains and tinted windows, our vehicles are spacious and comfortable.
- We don’t use trailers in the Top End, so it’s important to keep luggage to a maximum 10kg. Pack your things in a soft bag for easy storage under the waterproof canopy on top of the 4WD.
West Coast 4WD fleet
- Equipped with forward-facing seats with seatbelts, air conditioning, tinted windows and curtains, so you can relax when you choose to.
- Purpose-built 20-seat Isuzu 4WD Trucks are used on Perth to Broome & Broome to Darwin trips for navigating 4WD tracks such as the Gibb River Road and Pentecost River Crossing.
- Some vehicles may be dual-branded including WesternXposure, our local Western Australian brand. Our vehicles will also have Adventure Tours and Intrepid Travel branding.
Meals during camping days are included and freshly prepared. Please note that travellers are required to assist with meal preparation and clean-up duties on these occasions. (Camp hosts assist with meal prep on our original Red Centre trips.) On days when meals aren’t included, your guide can recommend the best local eateries.
For special dietary requirements, please refer to the Essential Trip Information for your tour.
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